Employment lawyer Angers

08H08 Avocats, employment law firm in Angers, France 

08H08 Avocats assists and advises managers in dealing with HR issues, working alongside them on a daily basis to manage employee relations.

Our lawyers work throughout France and before all the courts dealing with this issue (Conseil de prud'hommes, Tribunal judiciaire, Tribunal administratif, Cour d'appel).
Discover the team


Our law firm does not limit itself to "stating the law", but formulates operational recommendations, using the following methodology:
  • Identify objectives and constraints,
  • Explain the rule of law in accessible terms,
  • Understand and measure the probability of a risk occurring,
  • Propose a strategy and an operational solution,
  • Express the proposed solution in financial terms,
  • Support the recommendation of legal acts to be implemented within the appropriate timeframe.
  Thanks to its expertise, our department provides its customers with pragmatic, responsive day-to-day support in matters of individual labor relations, from hiring to termination of employment contracts:
  • drafting of employment contracts and sensitive clauses (non-competition, variable remuneration, working hours),
  • contract modification, illness, unfitness for work, remuneration systems, exercise of disciplinary authority,
  • Breach of employment contract (contractual termination, redundancy): developing a strategy, preparing the case, determining costs and timetable, drafting the necessary documents, and, if necessary, negotiating a settlement.
  Our team oflabor law attorneys is also involved in collective bargaining and labor relations, particularly with regard to :
  • information and consultation procedures with employee representative bodies,
  • the negotiation of collective agreements, particularly with regard to working hours,
  • Identification of occupational health and safety risks specific to the company, and assistance in drawing up the DUER,
  • relations with trade unions, labor authorities and administrative authorities of all kinds.


Because all companies are faced with the challenge of managing their human potential, but because many managers or their representatives have neither the time nor the expertise to do so, our firm also offers support solutions with regular meetings within the company to develop a real partnership and become part of an effective human resources process that will enable the manager in particular :
  • acquire the HR tools needed for efficient management,
  • master the aspects of labor law required for team management,
  • recruit an employee in partnership with the HR department,
  • develop team skills,
  • adapt and develop its compensation policy.
Cabinet Avocats droit du travail Angers


A social audit is a valuable source of information, enabling you to obtain an objective and independent opinion. Whether you are a company director wishing to carry out a social audit by an external consultant, or a company buyer wishing to assess the social risks involved in a takeover, our Labor Law department can assist you in this process.


To deal with the high level of criminal risk in labor matters (moral harassment, workplace accidents, illegal lending of labor, working hours, obstruction of justice, etc.), our department's labor lawyers intervene upstream to set up preventive tools (delegation of powers, audits, negotiation of psychosocial risks, single document, etc.) and, in the event of criminal risk, defend companies and managers before the criminal courts.


Our firm assists you in handling your labor law disputes, from the pre-litigation stage onwards, in defining the strategy and proactively building the case. From this stage onwards, our team will work with you to assess the level of risk and consider litigation or a negotiated settlement. At the litigation stage, our firm is involved in the following areas:
  • Prud'hommes: dismissal for personal or economic reasons, compensation, moral harassment, discrimination, equal treatment, requalification of precarious work, unfair competition, working hours, contestation of contractual termination, etc.
  • Risks and criminal labor law: subcontracting, obstruction, health and safety, workplace accidents, concealed work, working hours, temporary work, moral and sexual harassment, discrimination, criminal liability of managers,
  • Professional elections
  • URSSAF: validity of URSSAF reassessment, assessment litigation,
  • AT/MP: contesting recognition of occupational disease or accident, inexcusable fault.
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